KristinaMaria Troiano-Gutierrez

KristinaMaria is Founder of BeautifulGenius Labs (BGL) and WomenGoGlobal (WGG) which merged with W@F for the 2-yr Event Series at NASA Ames.

WomenGoGlobal established its roots as a global event series highlighting and educating women entrepreneurs, leaders and women's resource networks, and awarded them for their work in the spheres of Sustainability, Techie, Social Mission, Global Innovation and Collaboration, Arts, Education and Wellness. WomenGoGlobal connected existing organizations to facilitate resource-sharing and global collaboration.
BGLabs creates sensor and sensory-based programs and tools for biodata-powered interactive exhibitions and programs. BGL’s Biomechanics Division has worked with Apple, Uber, Google, SF Giants, Televisa, US Olympic Swimmers and US Astronauts utilizing quantified self strategies + tools coupled with soft tissue therapies.
KM was a seed stakeholder for a music micro-licensing platform which was successfully acquired.
She is a collaborator and contributor to the Exponential Transformations book and worked on the original ExQ assessments of the Fortune 100. Her ExO portfolio includes several ExO clients in Sao Paolo, Mexico, the United States, South Africa and Europe - on over 20 ExO Projects to-date as Head Coach, Coach, Disruptor, Advisor, and Ambassador, focusing on assisting clients in the areas of Pitch Presentation, Project Incubation, Edge/Entrepreneurship Approaches, Quantified Self Devices, MicroBio/Genetics/BioTech, Gamification, among other areas. Each of her teams has had projects incubated/funded.

KM is a graduate of Singularity University grad studies program at NASA Ames.

KristinaMaria's MTP - massive transformative purpose - is to (sustainably) foster STEAM, flow and community for the multiverse