5th September - 7th October 2021
MENA Region
Female tech entrepreneurs, today more than ever, need better access to funding and mentoring to start and scale their businesses. The SHEZIMPACTFUL sprint adheres to the highest standards of entrepreneurial techniques and practices. We want to help female founders of tech companies in the early idea stage to refine their ideas and come up with an MVP in 5 weeks. They will pitch their ideas to global experts. The winning team will be incubated in the Women4Impact Program for one month.
Application Criteria
In order to be eligible for this program, the team needs to meet the following criteria:
- Early stage idea
- 2-5 team members
- At least one female co-founder
- Has to be in one of the categories mentioned above
- Team can dedicate 10-12 hours per week
5 Weeks Sprint Structure:
The 5 Weeks Sprint is designed to take team(s) through rapid intense process of idea experimentation. Each week is designed as follows:
•Week 1: Discovery – map and define the problem. Teams will be led to deepen their understanding to the problem they are solving for.
•Week 2: Rapid ideation. Teams will develop initiatives that have a problem-solution fit.
•Week 3: Idea selection & Hypothesis testing. The teams will test their thinking and narrow their ideas.
•Week 4: Build Prototype. Teams will need to build a prototype(MVP) that can be tested with existing or potential customers.
•Week 5: Pitch & Disrupt. Teams prepare their pitch decks and present to a global team of disruptors to obtain further feedback on their amazing ideas.
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